Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  What a wonderful day it is!  Looking around the world with so much focus on Santa Clause, and the gifts and lights and trees makes me want to stop in the middle of the mall and say, 'People, don't you know what this is really all about?!'  Everywhere you go, people are saying 'Season's Greetings'.  Well when I hear that, I have to answer back, 'And a Merry Christmas to you!'  Without the birth of our Savior there wouldn't be a Christmas at all and people so often forget that.

We had church this morning and what a sweet service!  I had people asking me this week, 'You're actually having church on Christmas?!' Well of course!  It's Jesus' birthday!  What better time to go to church and tell Him thank you for coming and being the ultimate sacrifice for me?  Sometimes I feel so small to think that the God of Glory came in flesh just so that I could have eternal life.

This morning in church Sister Kelly Boggs sang a song that I had forgotten about but I remembered loving it a few years ago.  I'm going to include some of the words here because it says so much more than I could ever say.

The wonder of wonders as she looked down and smiled.
He was her maker as well as her child.
He created the womb that had given Him birth.
He was God incarnate come down to the earth.

The wonder of wonders, Oh how could it be,
That God became flesh and was given for me?
The Almighty came down and walked among men.
The wonder of wonders, He died for my sins.

And what a wonder it is that before I was ever born, He knew my name, and He knew that I was going to sin so He came and gave His life that I could be forgiven.

Let's not forget the real reason for why we celebrate this day!  God bless you all.

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